


Judul Publikasi :

Pengembangan Sumber belajar Biologi Berbasis Potensi lokal Dadiah untuk meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa (2021)

Making teaching materials by utilizing the Cibodas Botanical Garden in an effort to improve plant literacy and classification skills of high school students (2021)

The profile of science teachers’ competence in learning practices using technological devices (2021)

Dadiah local potential-based biology learning resources to improve students’ science process skills (2021)

Penerapan peer dan self assessment sebagai tolok ukur penilaian kinerja siswa pada materi sistem koordinasi kelas XI SMA (2020)

Local wisdom values of the Baduy tribe: the potential to develop biology teaching materials of high school grade X (2020)

The Development of Teaching Materials Based on Bali Local Wisdom in Environment Conservation (2020)

The Implementation of Teaching Materials Based on Local Agricultural Wisdom in Binjai to Improve Student Environmental Literacy (2020)

Utilization of the school environment as a learning resource to improve critical thinking skills and scientific attitudes (2019)

Development and Validation of Critical Thinking Disposition Test in Biology. (2019)

Penerapan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Potensi Lokal Ekosistem Mangrove Pondok Bali untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif (2019)

Implementation analysis of formative self and peer assessment towards critical thinking skill in junior high school (2019)

Edy Mulya

Edy Mulya

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