


Judul Publikasi :

Developing Performance Assessment Instruments to Measure 4C Skills in Online Discussion Activities of Science Learning (2020)

Exploring knowledge of prospective biology teacher about Education for Sustainable Development (2020)

Profile of the integration of earthquake precursor animal knowledge in animal ecology course (2020)

Contribution of internet resources to mastery genetic concept on prospective teachers (2020)

Profile of information and communication technologies (ICT) skills of prospective teachers (2020)

The critical thinking skills of biology teacher candidates toward the ethical issues (2020)

Biology Teacher's Perception in Accommodating 21st Century Learning Demands (2020)

The feasibility and readability test of stem-based integrated science teaching book model themed “blood as transportation system on our body” (2020)

The Level of disaster literacy of earthquake-experienced students in mathematics and science faculty of state university in Indonesia (2020)

The Use of Scientific Writing Heuristics (SWH) to Build Rebuttal Abilities in Scientific Argumentation (2019)

Augmented reality to facilitate students’ biology mastering concepts and digital literacy (2019)

Developing Gen-21cs on smartphone to cultivate the 21st-century skills on biology teacher candidates (2019)

Students’ perceptions concerning the learning environment based on biology teachers’ TPACK (2019)

Genetics in socio scientific issues: measuring rebuttal abilities in scientific argumentation (2019)

Implementasi Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif dan Kemandirian Siswa (2019)

Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan virtual laboratory dalam pembelajaran biologi molekuler (2019)

Development of Argumentation-Based Critical Thinking Skills Tests in Microbiology Laboratory (2019)

Identifikasi kesulitan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran biologi molekuler berstrategi modified free inquiry (2019)

Virtual laboratory as a media to improve the conceptual mastery of molecular biology (2019)

Design Development Research Approach in Developing Gel Electrophoresis Virtual Laboratory to substitute Real Practicum (2019)

Edy Mulya

Edy Mulya

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